Publishing Packages

We handle book formatting, layout design, ISBN, proofreading, and editing. Explore our pricing, and reach out for personalised discussions. Tailoring our approach to your unique book, let's maximise its potential, spanning ebooks, print copies, and print-on-demand.

Basic Package

  • Book Design, and Layout for Ebook and Print copy (PDF & EPUB files), for 150 pages (30,000 words and under).

  • € 500 Euros

Standard Package

  • Book Design, and Layout for Ebook and Print copy (PDF & EPUB files), for 150 pages (30,000 words and under)- Plus Cover Design.

  • € 550 - € 650 Euros

Premium Package

  • Book Design, and Layout for Ebook and Print copy (PDF & EPUB files), for 150 pages (30,000 words and under)- Plus Cover Design- Plus Editing and proofreading by American or British Editors.

  • € 1350 - € 2500 Euros

Please note that you can select your preferred book size. Here are the most common book sizes in the US and Europe.

  • Pocket books: Convenient, portable, perfect for casual reading in genres like fiction, mystery, romance, and popular nonfiction.

  • Perfect for business, biography, psychology, and self-help genres.

  • A standard choice for novels, this size offers a comfortable reading experience with easy handling and readability, commonly used in the publishing industry for fiction.

Let's Discuss Your Book